Almania Colombo

“An amazing ride”

Almania Colombo hat an den 1. Yoga Schweizermeisterschaften in Zürich Italien vertreten und erzielte am meisten Punkte aller Teilnehmer. Sie unterrichtet Bikramyoga in Rom, Mailand und Bologna; das Teacher Training absolvierte sie 2011 – zusammen mit Fabian Fabian und Lady Luz Diaz, die beide in Zürich unterrichten.

Früher war die Italienerin Balletttänzerin: Sie hatte die Ballettschule Hamburg absolviert und in Auftritten mitgewirkt. Auf die Sportart Yoga kam sie zufällig, nicht ahnend, dass Bikramyoga ein derart wichtiger Teil ihres Lebens werden würde. “From the very beginning I noticed how it would clear my body and more importantly my mind. And when you clear things, you can make space for new stuff to come into your life”, ist sie überzeugt. Wann immer sich ihr die Gelegenheit bietet, an anderen Studios zu unterrichten, macht sie das gerne. So unterrichtete sie auch schon in Pordenone oder am Union Square in New York. “As a teacher I keep learning from my students and so far it’s been an amazing ride”, so Almania Colombo.

“An amazing ride”

I know Almania Colombo from a class in Rome, where she is teaching and also from the first Swiss Yoga Championship in Zurich. She took part for Italy and did not only become Champion but got also the most points of all the participants. She also is teaching in Milano and Bologna. She became a Bikramyoga teacher in 2011 – together with Fabian Fabian and Lady Luz Diaz, both teaching in Zurich.

Before that, Almania was a ballet dancer; she got her education in a ballet school in Hamburg and had various engagements. It was by chance that she learnt about Bikram yoga. Then she didn’t consider it possible that this sort of activity would become so important in her life. . “From the very beginning I noticed how it did clear my body and more importantly my mind. And when you clear things, you can make space for new stuff to come into your life”, she says. Whenever she gets the opportunity to teach in a foreign studio, she does so with pleasure. So she taught in Pordenone or at the Union Square studio in New York. “As a teacher I keep learning from my students and so far it has been an amazing ride”, says Almania Colombo.