Inger Marie Skårslette


„I like to make a place for a good atmosphere“

Inger Marie Skårslette ist Inhaberin und Teacherin ihres Studios in Sandefjord, rund 120 Kilometer südlich von Oslo. Sie eröffnete es vor knapp vier Jahren in einem modernen Gebäude-Komplex unweit des Bahnhofs. Ihr Teacher-Training absolvierte sie 2010 in San Diego.

Sie begann 2008 Bikram Yoga in Brüssel zu praktizieren, als sie vier Jahre dort lebte. Und zwar wegen ihrer gesundheitlichen Rücken- und Schulter-Probleme. Es ging ihr besser und besser, und nachdem sie in Brüssel und Antwerpen unterrichtet hatte, zog die vormalige Pharmazie-Assistentin nach Sandefjord zurück und eröffnete dort ihr eigenes Studio. Sie hat am meisten Freude, wenn sie Yogis zu einem gesünderen Leben verhelfen oder sie gar von körperlichen Beschwerden heilten kann. Sie sagt: „I like it to make a place for a good atmosphere in a fresh and clean studio, in a place where everybody feels welcome.“

„I like to make a place for a good atmosphere“

Inger Marie Skårslette is the owner of the Sandefjord studio and a certificied Bikram Yoga teacher. The studio is located in Sandefjord, about 120 kilometres south of Oslos. She opened it nearly four years ago in a modern complex of building near the railway station. She did her teacher training in San Diego in 2010.

She started practicing Bikram Yoga in January 2008 in Brussels while she was living there for four years. The cause was her bad health condition. „Bikram yoga healed my bad back, shoulders and body“, she says. After having become a Bikram Yoga teacher she started to teach as well as practicing yoga in Brussels and in Antwerp.

„I was lost in Bikram Yoga and saw a possibility to build up my own studio when I moved back to Sandefjord“, tells the previous technician assistant in pharmacy. What she enjoys most running the studio is to help people to a better life and to help them to heal themselves, to make a place for a good atmosphere in a fresh and clean studio, simply a place where everybody feels welcome.
