Marcela Marce Farías-Hidalgo/Mauricio Araya

„Können einander während der Klasse unterstützen“

Marcela und Mauricio stammen aus Chile. Sie leben seit sechs Jahren in der Schweiz. In Zürich trafen sie ein paar Bekannte, welche Bikram Yoga praktizierten. Er schenkte Marcela einen Gutschein für eine Klasse zum Valentinstag. Das war vor knapp viereinhalb Jahren. Sie liebte das Training und wurde besser und besser. Er war auf der Suche nach einem Sport ohne Gymnastik oder Joggen (er hatte Knieschmerzen und war eher träge). Marcela konnte ihn überzeugen, ebenfalls Bikram Yoga auszuprobieren. Zuerst hatte er starke Schmerzen nach dem Training. „We started going and never stopped and realized we also wanted to teach and that is why we did the teacher training in 2014”, erzählen die beiden, die nun begonnen haben, in Zürich zu unterrichten.

Sie lieben es, wenn der eine unterrichtet und der andere seine Klasse nehmen kann. Und da ihnen das Training physisch aber auch mental half, wollten sie diese Gelegenheit auch ihren Schülern bieten. Auch sie sollen die Erfahrung machen, wie man die eigenen Grenzen setzt und sie erst noch brechen kann. Beide möchten nun so oft wie möglich unterrichten, wenn möglich in der ganzen Welt und von anderen Instruktoren lernen genau so wie von den Schülern. Und: “In the far future we consider to open a studio of our own.”


„We can support each other during the class“

Mauricio heard about Bikam Yoga in Chile but never managed to go. In Zurich he and Marcela met some people who were attending classes. He gave Marcela a voucher as a Valentine’s day present (2011), and she started going very actively after that. She fell in love with practice and got better in stretching and building up strength. Mauricio was looking for some kind of sport that did not involve a gym or running (bad knees and being very lazy), so she convinced him to take classes too. When he tried it, he was in absolute pain after class, but thought he should do this for the rest of his life. “We started going and never stopped and realized we also wanted to teach and that is why we did the teacher training in 2014.”, they tell. They started to teach in Zurich enjoying the fact that they can go together and support each other during the class, but at the same time have an individual practice.

BY really helped them not only physically but also mentally. This practice has helped them to test and improve their determination and made them realize that wthey should not sit and wish for things to happen but to do it. Also, that they are stronger than they thought they were and that since they put their own limits, they can also go beyond them. They love to share that with the students. Marcela and Mauricio love to teach and will try to teach as much as possible all around the world, learn from other teachers and also from the students. In the far future they consider to open a studio of their own.
